Tag Archives: poetry

Poetry surprise tour scenic route

The board of Claremorris Community Radio consists of seven people with very varied experiences of poetry; some of them read it, some of them write it and some of them don’t remember when they last saw a poem!

The Scenic Route is the full recording of the programme that aired on Poetry Day Ireland 2018 and includes a wealth of additional discussions and other items.

You can join the board of the station when they each contribute three poems to be read and discussed. These may be poems they know and love, ones they remember fondly from the past or only discovered recently – perhaps even poems they loathe! They may be poems everyone has heard before or ones by new or little-known writers. Who knows? This is a programme of poetry surprises.

Listen in on 94.6 FM, in the Claremorris area, or listen live through the website right here.  The show will be aired on Tuesday 22nd May and 7pm, with part 2 going out on Wednesday 23rd at 4pm.  (The show will be repeated on Tuesday 29th April, at 7.00 pm, and Wednesday 30th at 4pm).

On Board the Poetry Surprise Tour

Claremorris Community Radio presents On Board the Poetry Surprise Tour for Poetry Day Ireland 2018!

The board of Claremorris Community Radio consists of seven people with very varied experiences of poetry; some of them read it, some of them write it and some of them don’t remember when they last saw a poem!

On Poetry Day Ireland, you can join the board of the station when they each contribute three poems to be read and discussed. These may be poems they know and love, ones they remember fondly from the past or only discovered recently – perhaps even poems they loathe! They may be poems everyone has heard before or ones by new or little-known writers. Who knows? This is a programme of poetry surprises.

Listen in on 94.6 FM, in the Claremorris area, or listen live through the website right here.  The show will be aired on Poetry Day Ireland, Thursday 26th April, at 8.00 pm.  (The show will be repeated on Saturday, 28 April, at 7.00 pm).

Mise an File

To celebrate Poetry Day Ireland 2017, Claremorris FM is broadcasting a special programme, Mise an File,  featuring poets either from Claremorris or with a Claremorris connection. You might be surprised to know how many there are in the area – and we’ll only be able to include a few of them!

Presenter Anni Wilton-Jones, of the At The Crossroads arts programme, will introduce you to six poets, who will be reading a selection from their work. In exchange, Anni will share some of her own poems. With a range of different styles and subject matter on offer, there will be something to suit every taste.

Who will be on the programme?  Tune in and find out. You may guess who some of the poets will be but others may surprise you!

Mise an File will be broadcast on Thursday,  April 27,  at 8pm.