Tag Archives: outside

St. Patrick’s Day 2019

Claremorris Community Radio will be doing our annual outside broadcast on St. Patrick’s Day. We will be broadcasting live throughout the afternoon, taking in the town’s parade.

Symmetrix Hail Salon will once again be our base for this outside broadcast, which will be on air from 1-5pm.  The parade itself will begin at 3pm and we will be carrying the commentary from the stage in The Square.  At the same time, we will also be broadcasting the parade on Facebook Live.

Bridie Sheeran will be broadcasting live from the salon from 1pm until the start of the parade.  Once the parade is over, Bridie will carry out interviews with those involved in its organisation and also some of the people who took part.

Claremorris Agricultural Show 2018

The 100th Claremorris Agricultural Show will take place at the Claremorris athletics track on Sunday next.

This famous event will be bigger than ever this year. It will include the first Connacht Truck Show, a fashion show, wrestling, sand sculptures, bubble soccer, showjumping (including the Puissance), dog handling, arts and crafts exhibitions and a cooking demonstration by popular chef Adrian Martin and even more.

Claremorris Community Radio will be broadcasting live from the Show from 12 noon to 3pm. Tune in on Sunday afternoon to hear our presenters Ed Coulson, Eleanor Prendergast and Catherine Lavery as they explore the many stalls and exhibits of the show.

The station itself will also have a stall this year, and we welcome any and all to call in for a chat, or to make a request. Look out for Bridie Sheeran and Chay Dawkins, who will be at the stall throughout the afternoon.

For more information on the Claremorris Agricultural Show, visit www.claremorrisshow.com

St. Patrick’s Day OB

Claremorris Community Radio will hold its annual outside broadcast to cover the town’s St. Patrick’s Day parade.  Thanks once again to their generosity, we will be based in Symmetrix Hair Salon, on The Square.

We will be live on-air from 1-5pm on Saturday, with the following hosts taking to the air throughout the afternoon: Pat Keane, Dolores Keaveney, Dermot Smyth Bridie Sheeran and Michael Burke.

Please note, the Claremorris parade now begins at 1.30pm.  If you would like to watch the parade, please visit the station’s Facebook page from that time, as we will be showing the parade on Facebook Live.