Tag Archives: kenya

Follow Janet from Claremorris to Kitui

Claremorris-to-KituiLast weekend saw CCR 946 airing the first epiosde of Claremorris to Kitui, a three programme series which follows Claremorris lady (and CCR volunteer) Janet Corbin-Hinchion as she divides her life between her voluntary educational work in Kitui, Kenya, and fundraising at home here in County Mayo.

In the opening episode, which was broadcast on Saturday, Janet organises a charity walk to raise funds for her work in Kitui.  You can listen back to the show on our cloudcasting platform mixcloud.com at the following address: www.mixcloud.com/claremorrisfm/claremorris-to-kitui-episode-1

Claremorris to Kitui continues on Saturdays at 5 p.m.