Tag Archives: ccr

CCR 2017 AGM

The AGM of Claremorris Community Radio will be held in The D’Alton Inn, Claremorris, on Thursday 9th November 2017 at 8pm and you are invited to attend.

Any current member (of more than six months), is eligible to nominate themself or a fellow member for election to Claremorris Community Radio’s Board of Directors.  The Board of Claremorris Community Radio consists of seven members and the elections to the board will take place at the AGM.

Board members should have an interest in the radio and the furtherance of our community-driven agenda. It is also desirable that they have skills which would benefit the board. The role of the board is to ensure that the station is meeting the needs of the community it serves and that it is an open and inclusive organisation.

Nomination forms are available from the station. Should you wish to nominate yourself or a fellow volunteer to sit on the Board of Directors of Claremorris Community Radio, please submit a completed form to the manager at the station not later than 5pm on Tuesday 7th November 2017.

That’s also the deadline for the submission of motions for the AGM.

Meet the CCR board

There are seven seats on the CCR board.  However, at the end of 2016, there were only four members in situ. With time being short for preparing for the finish of POBAL funding at the end of March, these four board members decided the best way forward was to co-opt some new members, who have a fair amount of relevant experience. As co-opted members, the new people are able to serve until the AGM when, like all other board members, they will stand down and be eligible for re-election.

With effect from 31st January 2017, the board is made up of:

  • Pat Keane, Chairperson
  • Anne McLoughlin, Company Secretary
  • Michael McLoughlin, Head of Finance
  • Dolores Keaveney, Membership Co-ordinator
  • Anni Wilton-Jones, Assistant Co-ordinator
  • Peter McCallig
  • Anthony McNicholas

Best of luck to all for the year ahead.

It’s alive!

In case you haven’t noticed, our brand-new website is now alive and kicking!  Have a look round…

All volunteers are entitled to an account here on the site and we’ll do our best to get in contact with everyone over the next few weeks regarding this.  If you’re in a hurry to get in the door, feel free to email me at john@claremorriscommunityradio.ie and I’ll (ahem) bump you to the top of the queue.  (Sssh, don’t tell anyone…)

It’ll be worth your while as the site features a volunteer-only area including studio bookings and a special document store.

Finally, we’ll be adding some more features in the weeks ahead so keep an eye out for those too.  Enjoy!