Mayo Parish Heritage Committee will hold an information evening on the upcoming LiDAR survey of the Early Christian Monastic site at Mayo Abbey and surrounding environs in the Mayo Abbey Community Centre (F12 X8P5) on Thursday, June 29th, commencing at 8pm sharp.
The information evening entitled ‘Mayo of the Saxons to County Mayo … a Millennium of Settlement’ will include presentations by Mr Michael Timothy who recently completed an MA on the History of Mayo Abbey 600 -1600AD in Atlantic Technological University, Castlebar Campus and Dr Paul Naessens, Western Aerial Survey and Photographic Services, who will be carrying out the Mayo Abbey LiDAR Survey 2023. The event, is open to anybody with an interest in Mayo history and Heritage and is free of charge.

We spoke to Tom Delaney on the Tuesday Good Morning Show about this upcoming event. This is the place from where Mayo got its name, as it was a centre of excellence long the one in Bekan, before the GAA existed or Mayo had a football team. There are a lot of stories of our heritage that are unknown to us and the story of Mayo Abbey is among them. It was the place to be in the 600’s, through the medieval period and so called dark ages when people from all over came to study in the monastery. Find out much from the local experts and those who will be presenting some of their research next Thursday, June 29 @ 8pm.