Life in Direct Provision

Over the past two months, 11 residents of the Direct Provision Centre in Ballyhaunis took part in our QQI Level 3 course in Media Expression.  The course was held in both the Old Convent in Ballyhaunis and at our studios in Claremorris.

As part of their portfolios, the students had to produce a 1-hour show for broadcast, on their life and experiences in the direct provision system.  The students have created a very interesting insight into the lives they lead in communities like ours, throughout the country.  Lives that are often overlooked or not understood, as they are mostly lived behind the walls of direct provision centres.  

If you’d like to find out more about life as an asylum-seeker in Ballyhaunis, this show will be aired on Claremorris Community Radio on Saturday (October 20th) at 1pm.  It will be repeated the following day at 5pm and again on Friday 26th at 7pm.

Update: You can now listen to this programme online, via our mixcloud page.  Simply click on:

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