The Mystery Train

All aboard The Mystery Train!

Paul Halligan is your engine driver on our new programme The Mystery Train, which will be aired on Tuesdays at 8pm and repeated on Fridays, at 12 noon.

We board the train in Ireland and, as Paul says, “who knows where we’re going?”. It’s a musical journey with all kinds of tracks from all kinds of places. You might hear a piece of Irish folk, followed by what’s current in the Russian top 40, then you could get bounced back to the 1950s or wind up at the opera.

Prepare to have your musical mind broadened. There’s even a dining car on the mystery train where you’ll get recipe ideas, a book review of what your engine driver is currently reading, and well to find out what else – you’ll just have to tune in!

The Mystery Train departs on Tuesday next, July 24th, at 8pm.

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